Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It's 15Nov 2011, tonight I will be going to the airport for my army trip for 25days (15Nov-10Dec).
The feeling currently I am having now is like Ice-blended drink, the blend between excitement as well as sadness.
~This is where the excited comes in. ~
I remember the last time I went to Taiwan was like 4yrs ago with RPWS.
It was a very memorable and fun. Having to run over Taiwan performing for New Year Countdown and lastly spend the very last hour at NICE shopping centre. This time round, i will be going with 3 of my company signaller and the OCTs. Something different because this time round is out for a month. But it's an opportunity that I think I should go, since I have missed the previous trip with my platoon because I have to attend a course. Even though this time I’m not going with my own platoon, at least I am going with 3 people from my company.
~This is where the sadness comes in~
When my officer told me that there's an overseas trip this month, the first answer I gave him is I don't think i want to go. There are many reasons why I rejected initially, firstly because if i were to go, I will not be able to accompany my dear for our 3rd Anniversary. I have already failed to spend with her for our 1st and 2nd month, this time again, I will miss it again. Secondly, this month I am having two gathering with my classmate, one with my secondary sch and one with my poly mate. Thirdly is because I have promise one of my polymate, Felicia, that I will attend her wedding which falls on the 3Dec. Having to miss so many events, that is why I rejected.
However when I told my dear about it, even though she doesn't want me to go, she still encourage me to take the opportunity to go. Because I don't often get this chance and I have missed it once. That is where i decided to accept the overseas training trip.
Weird to say, in my previous overseas trip when I am having a girlfriend, I don't feel sad when I go overseas. Rather I will tell my gf to chill la, because it's just an overseas trip. However this time round, I am seriously missing my gf already, even before I am flying off.
These few days before I fly, I have been spending my time with dear dear. She been coming over to my place and accompany me and spend her weekends with me.
Having said this, I went over to RP on Friday to meet her. Reasons i gave are to collect the lens and try. However the fact is, do I even need to go all the way down and try? Haha... I can just try on the day itself lor. But the main reason is so that I can accompany her. =D
Saturday is Symphonie De Republique V. Spend my night with dear taking pictures around, since this time opening and 1st half is by the SPF band. After the concert, we went supper with the rest and send her home after that.
Sunday supposed to go Beautiful Sunday with dear. However in the end, we didn't go. Because we were lazy and she seems quite tired. So again, we spend the entire day in my place. =)
Yesterday Monday, after school, dear came over to my place to meet me. First we spend the day in my place. But since i promise her to have dinner with her, we decided to go NEX to have a walk and have dinner there. Why Nex? Because I have been craving to have a look at the shopping centre, since i didn't go before ma. So we decided to explore the shopping centre from level 1 up to the last floor. My initial budget for dinner is like $10 per person. So was looking around and didn't find much food that fits the bill. However when we saw one of the Japanese food stall that fits the bill, we decided to go Fish & Co. to have dinner. Of course it is over my budget, but who cares? hahaha.. Since my dear want to eat. But with my previous experience of having Swiss fish and chip, somehow it’s like not filling leh. So I ordered Seafood platter for 1 and i ordered Swiss Fish and Chip for dear.
Then came 2 ladies that sit beside us. OMG, the lady beside me is serious NOISY! haha.., Both of us actually thinks the same, because she seriously keep talking and complaining! Damn irritating. Just as I am looking at my dear phone, dear saw the guy that is beside me (we guess he is either Malaysian or Indonesia Chinese) is counting his stack of $100 note. =.=''
After I have finished my meal, I notice dear didn't touch her Fries, because she complaint she is full already. So I decided to take some of her fries, since i felt 80% full only. So while I am eating, I decided to play Scissors, Paper, Stone with dear. Whoever loses will have to eat 2 fries. So I decided to let her win since I really want to eat. But when i left 2fries left, she told me, if I finish is Game Over. Of course cannot la, she still left half a plate of fries. So i decided to not let dear win. HAHAHAHA~! As expected, she started losing (because I know her pattern). To make it worst, I always tell her what I will be using. It's all up to her to believe if I am really choosing that. For the first 4-5round, I told her whatever I am choosing, but she choose not to believe and she lost. So of course, she has to eat the fries! hee... There's one round I told her I am using Stone. So when i say scissors, paper, stone, i show stone, but she didn’t choose any. So i say let’s do again since she didn’t choose any. This time round she really thinks I am using stone again and she show paper. Of course, I where got so good throw stone again twice? So I choose scissors. HAHAHA~! Omg, I was laughing until my tear is coming out lor when she chooses paper. =p Seriously having so much fun with that game and the fries.
So after Nex, I say I want to take a look at Compass point, since I am curious about that place. So decided to walk around, even though is seriously boring. hee.. After which, I send dear home.
Below are some of the pictures taken during this few days. =)
*To Dear*
Don't sad sad ok?
You promise me won't sad or Emo de hor.
Whenever I can call back from Taiwan, I will call you de.
On the 10Dec, you decide if you want to contact my bro and come with him not lo. =)
Remember this, I love you and it will always be. =D
I will Miss you too! Muackie!

The feeling currently I am having now is like Ice-blended drink, the blend between excitement as well as sadness.
~This is where the excited comes in. ~
I remember the last time I went to Taiwan was like 4yrs ago with RPWS.
It was a very memorable and fun. Having to run over Taiwan performing for New Year Countdown and lastly spend the very last hour at NICE shopping centre. This time round, i will be going with 3 of my company signaller and the OCTs. Something different because this time round is out for a month. But it's an opportunity that I think I should go, since I have missed the previous trip with my platoon because I have to attend a course. Even though this time I’m not going with my own platoon, at least I am going with 3 people from my company.
~This is where the sadness comes in~
When my officer told me that there's an overseas trip this month, the first answer I gave him is I don't think i want to go. There are many reasons why I rejected initially, firstly because if i were to go, I will not be able to accompany my dear for our 3rd Anniversary. I have already failed to spend with her for our 1st and 2nd month, this time again, I will miss it again. Secondly, this month I am having two gathering with my classmate, one with my secondary sch and one with my poly mate. Thirdly is because I have promise one of my polymate, Felicia, that I will attend her wedding which falls on the 3Dec. Having to miss so many events, that is why I rejected.
However when I told my dear about it, even though she doesn't want me to go, she still encourage me to take the opportunity to go. Because I don't often get this chance and I have missed it once. That is where i decided to accept the overseas training trip.
Weird to say, in my previous overseas trip when I am having a girlfriend, I don't feel sad when I go overseas. Rather I will tell my gf to chill la, because it's just an overseas trip. However this time round, I am seriously missing my gf already, even before I am flying off.
These few days before I fly, I have been spending my time with dear dear. She been coming over to my place and accompany me and spend her weekends with me.
Having said this, I went over to RP on Friday to meet her. Reasons i gave are to collect the lens and try. However the fact is, do I even need to go all the way down and try? Haha... I can just try on the day itself lor. But the main reason is so that I can accompany her. =D
Saturday is Symphonie De Republique V. Spend my night with dear taking pictures around, since this time opening and 1st half is by the SPF band. After the concert, we went supper with the rest and send her home after that.
Sunday supposed to go Beautiful Sunday with dear. However in the end, we didn't go. Because we were lazy and she seems quite tired. So again, we spend the entire day in my place. =)
Yesterday Monday, after school, dear came over to my place to meet me. First we spend the day in my place. But since i promise her to have dinner with her, we decided to go NEX to have a walk and have dinner there. Why Nex? Because I have been craving to have a look at the shopping centre, since i didn't go before ma. So we decided to explore the shopping centre from level 1 up to the last floor. My initial budget for dinner is like $10 per person. So was looking around and didn't find much food that fits the bill. However when we saw one of the Japanese food stall that fits the bill, we decided to go Fish & Co. to have dinner. Of course it is over my budget, but who cares? hahaha.. Since my dear want to eat. But with my previous experience of having Swiss fish and chip, somehow it’s like not filling leh. So I ordered Seafood platter for 1 and i ordered Swiss Fish and Chip for dear.
Then came 2 ladies that sit beside us. OMG, the lady beside me is serious NOISY! haha.., Both of us actually thinks the same, because she seriously keep talking and complaining! Damn irritating. Just as I am looking at my dear phone, dear saw the guy that is beside me (we guess he is either Malaysian or Indonesia Chinese) is counting his stack of $100 note. =.=''
After I have finished my meal, I notice dear didn't touch her Fries, because she complaint she is full already. So I decided to take some of her fries, since i felt 80% full only. So while I am eating, I decided to play Scissors, Paper, Stone with dear. Whoever loses will have to eat 2 fries. So I decided to let her win since I really want to eat. But when i left 2fries left, she told me, if I finish is Game Over. Of course cannot la, she still left half a plate of fries. So i decided to not let dear win. HAHAHAHA~! As expected, she started losing (because I know her pattern). To make it worst, I always tell her what I will be using. It's all up to her to believe if I am really choosing that. For the first 4-5round, I told her whatever I am choosing, but she choose not to believe and she lost. So of course, she has to eat the fries! hee... There's one round I told her I am using Stone. So when i say scissors, paper, stone, i show stone, but she didn’t choose any. So i say let’s do again since she didn’t choose any. This time round she really thinks I am using stone again and she show paper. Of course, I where got so good throw stone again twice? So I choose scissors. HAHAHA~! Omg, I was laughing until my tear is coming out lor when she chooses paper. =p Seriously having so much fun with that game and the fries.
So after Nex, I say I want to take a look at Compass point, since I am curious about that place. So decided to walk around, even though is seriously boring. hee.. After which, I send dear home.
Below are some of the pictures taken during this few days. =)
*To Dear*
Don't sad sad ok?
You promise me won't sad or Emo de hor.
Whenever I can call back from Taiwan, I will call you de.
On the 10Dec, you decide if you want to contact my bro and come with him not lo. =)
Remember this, I love you and it will always be. =D
I will Miss you too! Muackie!